Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Welcome back

Hello once again

I apologize for this late post to the blog. Last week was a little hectic as I was sick once again, had some technical difficulties and had received some really awesome news that made me go a little crazy, but I'm back and am happy to update.

While I unfortunately do not have much to share on my own handmade product progress (patterning is quite tedious, especially for those perfectionists out there), I do have a little to update about the latest CAbi show and the "homework" I have been assigned. This last show was interesting because I noticed that the women were very concerned about their body types and how they could find the right clothing to suit them. Once again I heard women speak about their heights, but the girls also discussed their "curvy" and "straight" bodies, which is a common concern for women these days. It was interesting to see how the clothing fit both of these body types; some things were easily able to flatter both types of figures, while others seemed like they were specifically made for one body type. Another interesting thing is that the women seemed to blame their own bodies for the trouble they had with the clothes, something that women commonly do when they go shopping. This accentuated one of the major problems of manufactured clothing, as it often seems like it is made to fit a mannequin, not a natural woman's body.

As for my assignment, Kris has asked me to some up with some information for her. I first have to find some styling techniques for her to use at the shows, and next have to find a few "wardrobe solution ideas." These are things that can help add to a person's wardrobe, personalize a wardrobe or just make more outfit possibilities. I also have to find her a few resources for her to look into, including fashion blogs, books, shows and anything else that can help her keep track of certain trends and ideas. I will be sure to post this once I find all of this information.

I will be back soon to update on my individual research. Please enjoy these two pictures from the show, one of the clothing display and the other of the incredibly adorable dog (named Gizmo) who was at the show.

Larissa :)

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